Had my exam last Friday.....Tell you what: exams are the biggest lie in the world, they think it test your abilities but they know as well that you are under stress and not in your normal real atmosphere.
I hate exams inside out, It's all fake( this is what happen in our clinic exam) which is basically pretending your are a doctor in a certain position and got a patient (who is mostly fake) and show them what you would do !!!!!! how silly.
May be the good think about it that it was in a nice rural place called Ipswich, It was lovely, far a way from stress of London, every thing is calm and peaceful.

Russell Peters:
Just wanted to share this with you.
Have a lovely day all.
hope u do well in ur exam although i am not sure what exam it is :)
Fe aman allah
Thank U very much Ahmad, It's second part clinical exam of MRCPCH.It's an exit exam and not easy at all....but Inshallah Khair.
Good luck on your exam and I'm sure you'll do well ;).
exams brrrrrrr don't remind me, but I know u alwaya rock in exams if not this time it will be the next ;P
at least u had a nice trip to a quite place, away from dawshet London.
about Russel he is one of my favourite comedian.
enjoy being home good girl, meet u tomorrow inshAllah.
but the video is not there any more or my connection is bad.
@ Ph:
thanks alot for your nice wishes.
@ enlightened:
Thanks deary, Yes it was nice in any way...
The video is still there up to now....Could you try again??
See you tomorrow.
yes dr yes ...clinic exams is just as u say ..i wish u do will to pass this stage of useless tests
@ Asma:
Thanks for passing by and wishing, It seems have touched you deeply dear......r u doing any clinic exam?
oh god clinical exam ...
dnt remember me ....
i hate bt no other way 2 pass if u dnt go through ths exam ..
ur future decide through fake pt ..
Ipswich i know ths place i think thrs libyan dr also teach there ..
@ Abdullah:
Oh really? Libyan doc, I did not know this.....
Thanks Abdalla, I think u know what I mean by clinical exam...Horrible
I would like most kindly to invite you to visit my blog:
Where you can view my doctor's diary, some interesting photos, news and article.
I am interested in medicine, poetry, and languages.
You are most welcome
@DR Akra:
Thank you for the invitation...will be there inshallah.
You think you will be at normal case in the true moment,the stress will be stronger than tests,if you want to be Dr.,should be lives inside the stress.
Best regardS
@ Motherland.
Thanks for your comment...but do u really think so?
Yes I do.
Best regardS
hi GG
where r u?
we miss u ,how s your work & study?
don t be afraid from me,because am married woman n da UK.
i d like 2 hear your news.
ah by the way i ve done an attachment n da TMC n da dental dept.,so i consider my self one of da family n this blog.
libyan woman:
mmmmmmmmm, I love these
(detective) kind of things.....Just give me a clue and I will spill all my latest news for you...Look, I got loads to tell ..just give me a hint..
And u r most welcome to our blog.
Ramadan Kareem Wallahu akram.
wish u a happy peaceful ramadan , and all the best for the future, allah protect u always
Barak Alah feek O ramadan Kareem. May Allah protect you and your wife inshallah. It must be special Ramadan for you this year. Give us updates.
Ramadan Kareem.
Asalam Alykum
Ramadan Mubarik & May Allah Bless you and your family and forgive our sins, past, presnet and future
Fe Aman Allah
Ramadan Mubarak gg, to you and your family.
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