Ramadan Kareem to you all..... Ramdan this year is special for me as I started new a training post and moved into new place on It's day one, lots of rearrangments and paperwork. May Allah accept our fast and forgive our mistakes.
1 Jul 2008
I hate exams.....
Had my exam last Friday.....Tell you what: exams are the biggest lie in the world, they think it test your abilities but they know as well that you are under stress and not in your normal real atmosphere. I hate exams inside out, It's all fake( this is what happen in our clinic exam) which is basically pretending your are a doctor in a certain position and got a patient (who is mostly fake) and show them what you would do !!!!!! how silly. May be the good think about it that it was in a nice rural place called Ipswich, It was lovely, far a way from stress of London, every thing is calm and peaceful.
Russell Peters:
Just wanted to share this with you. Have a lovely day all.
Last couple of days I had very nice times with friends who decided to gather from different places: Spain, Manchester, Birmingham, and of course London. Saying that; we spent very nice times in walking visits from Covent Garden to Trafalgar Square ending in Westminster area and London eye, topping that up by having entertaining lunch at one of resturants in Knightsbridge. While walking and feet aching I got a call...sounded a bit weird initialy then I realised it was a friend who I did not see for 4 years, he used to be my senior at work. Oh It was astonshing surprise to me really, after how are you and what did you do, we agreed to meet up with his family and kids.
Happy birthday Tala Not after long...I had to be off to my place....It's the birthday of Tala, my neighbour's daughter who is 11. I think Tala felt like we are going to prepare something at some point ...but none was of sure. However, I was late for preparations, for this reason, my part was to bring the strawberries with me that we need to use with the chocolate fountain, actually we needed 6 packs. As I arrived Tesco and guess what..I found the strawberry section empty...That shocked me, I was already running late and need strawberries...asked one of the staff who answered in a robot way...sorry, we ran out of them, come tomorrow....I gazed at him and said and in firm language....I can not go home without strawberry. He just smiled and said..Ok, try Sainsbury...I was running late ..went to Sainsbury...took me like 15 minutes to reach there...Hurry up hurry up ....get 6 packs...went home to find friends prepared the rest..Tala came afterwards and was surprised( or at least showed herself as)...everybody sang...Happy Birthday To you, Happy birthday To Tala..lots of food, funn , games. The best bit was the Pasta parcil where one of the kids had to dance a monkey dance. My God how that 5 year old Haya danced really as a monkey was so funny to the death. After the birthday party ended I went home thinking of my busy day..Alhamdullah for having friends, I do not think I could afford life without them really.
I am Sorry for all this time of being away from the blogsphere. Life sometimes is so congested: work, study, and commitments but I will try to be as regular as I can afford.
Just passed by the above caricature and I thought: Poor we women, look at the way people think in us. I donot think this has any relation to the reality. I have driven for years and I do not think this is true at all.... :(
9 Dec 2007
Thanks Sami Yusuf.
The above is from a concert I attended. The atomsphere was fabeoulus full of enthusiam, felt like big islamic social event rather than a concert per se, old people, kids, families, everybody was there. The concert basically was 10.000 muslem gathering and was very positive, It was in the middle of concert when they said there are 3000 muslem waiting, queueing outside for tickets !!!afetr tickets and charity funds collection the concert resulted in 100,000 Pounds for muslems in Darfour.
The moment of Sami yusuf enterance was amaaaaaaaaazing. Iam sure if he was the head of UN he wouldn't have had such round of applause and welcome by the audiance. It was like contineous half an hour of warm warm applause and yelling that I never ever heard such thing before, bouts of that were countineous throughout the concert. there were other singers and bands from UK, US, Canada, Denmark. The most popular one was the Outlandish Rap band. young girls here seem to be mad of this band as I noticed.
I liked to have such nice Islamic, recreational, social, well organised events with 10,000 person saying Ya Allah at once. However; I couldn't be very relax about the way teenage girls reacted to the music quite few times, I just felt ...this is not the place, u can not screem jumping for such phrases Like la Elah Ella Allah, and ya 7abibi ya Muhammed, for example.
Having said that; I must say I enjoyed it so much. I liked the kids with their parents playing with the fountains's water outside the concert hall, I just felt like Eid which I really missed this year. Thanks Sami Yusuf.
well; It's been a long time thinking about this idea. TMC has been our cozy home with it's all ups and downs, goods and bads, brights and darks. Over all it's still our Home Sweet Home.
Now, at this historical moment (E77m,E77m) I announce launching our blog as a place for every one who has worked in, studied at, or even passed by TMC one day. you are welcome all.